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Emerald Management and Realty Ltd.'s Blog

Founded in 1972, Emerald Management and Realty Ltd. has offered services in the greater Calgary real estate market for more than 35 years.

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Emerald Management & Realty Ltd

For more than four decades, Emerald Management & Realty, Ltd., has been providing rental property services to national, local, and international investors. With experience in single-family homes, condos, and apartments, Emerald Management & Realty, Ltd., ensures that properties and residents stay safe.

Security is everyone’s responsibility. Please help yourself and your neighbors stay safe in your homes by considering some of the following basic safety measures in your house, condo or apartment building:

If you don’t know them … don’t let them in: No one should follow you in the front door and/or into the parkade without request. The same applies to your intercom or your own personal front door: if you don’t know them – don’t let them in. If you see someone that doesn’t belong, please take note. Contractors should all have identification and able to show this to you — we can’t imagine anyone that would mind providing proof when respectfully asked if they belong in the building or on the property.

Check the locks: Make sure that doors lock after you’ve entered or exited. Further, check your window locks to make sure they work properly.

Meet the neighbors: Residents who know the people in their building or on their block, are better able to spot strangers. Being familiar with neighbors also makes it easier to look out for one another by watching a neighbor’s space or pets when they are gone.

Get a safe: If a burglar gets into an apartment, condo or house, a secure safe may be the only other way to protect valuables. Safes can be purchased in a variety of sizes and for varying prices. Using a safe is also great for hiding possessions in smaller areas around the apartment.

Suspicious activity should always be reported to the non-emergency police line at 403-266-1234. If a break in is imminent and/or in progress – call 911. If you have been broken into, please report it to the police – call 911 and let your property manager know what has taken place.

Being mindful of the above steps along with the awareness of surroundings, can go a long way in the prevention of crimes and property break-ins.

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Small Space

With more than four decades of experience in the arena of property management, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. maintains a range of commercial and residential properties in Calgary, Canada. Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. encourages tenants to decorate their spaces to make them feel more at home.

For those living in small spaces, home decorating can seem daunting when trying to maximize every square foot. However, with a little creativity a small space can be attractive, comfortable, and functional. Here are a few tips for buying furniture for small spaces.

1. To maximize the space of a small home, consider purchasing pieces that can be used in multiple ways and that offer storage. For instance, some kinds of ottomans can be used as either a footstool or a coffee table while doubling as storage for blankets or other items.

2. When considering furniture purchases, make sure to measure the space before shopping to determine the correct size of your new furnishings. Buy items that actually fit the space; otherwise they overpower the room and make it look even smaller than it already is.

3. Finally, don’t forget about vertical spaces. Pieces that extend toward the ceiling, like bookshelves, lighting, and art pieces, redirects the focus of the room and can make the space appear more spacious. Taller shelving can also provide additional storage and added functionality to a smaller space.

Whether you live in a cozy studio apartment or want to get more out of a small room or cozy nook, these simple three tips can help create the feeling of more space regardless of the size of your home.

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Emerald Management & Realty Ltd

Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. has managed rental properties for owners and investors for more than 40 years. Dedicated to ensuring that all properties remain in consistent good repair, the staff at Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. draws on an in-depth knowledge of water leaks.

Here is a basic tip for dealing with a water leak in your home:

The first thing to do in this situation is to try and find the source of the leak. You may be able to do this by shining a light on the joints of pipes and at places where supply lines carry water into appliances or fixtures. You can also look for water stains, mildew growth, or peeling material at the bottoms of cabinets where you suspect water may be dripping.

When you do find a water leak, the first thing you need to do is to shut off the water supply to the leaking pipe or joint. You may also need to turn off your main water valve, depending on whether or not the local shutoff is able to stop the active leaking. Then, to ensure your safety and that of your household, you should unplug nearby electrical appliances until the leak is resolved.

A licensed and experienced plumber should be the one to fix the leak, just as any electrical damage from the leak should receive the attention of a professional electrician. A call to a water removal professional may be necessary if there is standing water or an in-depth mildew response is required, though you may be able to remove some of the water on your own.

Event a little water leak can mean big trouble. The sooner you can source the location of the leak and address the bigger problem, the better.

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Property Management

Based in Calgary, Alberta, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. has more than 35 years of experience providing property management services for investors. Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. manages several types of properties, including rental houses, apartments, condominiums, and commercial buildings. To have a successful career in property management, individuals need a range of skills.

For many people, attaining a certification in real estate or property management can be very helpful, especially if their aim is working in a well-established property management firm. However, individuals also can acquire most of the essential knowledge through on-the-job experiences. Although contractors will handle the actual work, having a basic knowledge of building repairs and maintenance is vital for pricing and quality assurance purposes. Property managers also must be able to inspect properties and identify maintenance needs and safety issues.

Since property managers deal with residents, contractors, and others, they must have excellent abilities in building relationships with people. In addition, property managers must keep track of rent payments and cash flow and thus need to have solid financial skills.

While the field of property management isn’t for everyone, those that enjoy problem solving and assisting people obtain results, this can be a very rewarding career. The opportunity to be hands-on and deal with a variety of challenges can be very rewarding in seeing projects from implementation to completion. From maintaining safe and attractive properties to arranging financing for major renovations, each day is varied as the people and properties being dealt with.

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Emerald Management & Realty Ltd

Located in Calgary, Alberta, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. strives to maintain safe, quality property management of apartments and homes for residents and renters. For instance, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. checks fire alarms and emphasizes the importance of fire prevention for all the properties under management.

House fires kill and injure thousands every year. Many more are impacted by the loss of valued memories and possessions in fire related incidents that could have easily been avoided.

Whether your live in a house, townhouse, apartment, condominium, commercial office — smoke and fire alarms perform the life-saving function of alerting residents and building occupants of a fire. Therefore, it is an integral function of property management companies, property managers, residents and property owners to regularly check to make sure the alarms are working properly in accordance with local standards and regulations.

Better yet, prevent fires from starting in the first place with some simple steps you can take to lessen the chance of your home or apartment from becoming a part of this statistic. Residents can do a number of things to help make sure a fire does not start in terms of prevention and preparedness, such as:

Follow safe cooking practices. A person should not leave the room while they are boiling, frying or broiling food. Additionally, it is very important to keep your stove and oven clean, and to keep an eye out for grease accumulation. Keeping the area around the cooking surface free of flammable objects is a smart safety measure.
Check stove vent hoods and keep the filter clean.
Routinely check appliance power cords for any damage or defect, and replace if needed.
Be prepared by staying alert while cooking. Lots of accidents occur simply because of distraction and sleepiness.
Clean the lint trap and outside vent clean in your clothes dryer. Some dryers have internal ductwork which may become clogged and require servicing. The accumulation of link can be in machines can be extremely dangerous.
If you are using a space heater in the cooler months, make sure to keep the area around the heater free from all objects.
Never leave a candle or lit cigarette unattended and make sure to extinguish them when one leaves or before going to bed.

While the above are only some of the simple steps you can take in terms of prevention and preparedness, there are many many more. “Unfortunately, people often think an accident is something that is inevitable,” says Meri-K Appy, president of the US Home Safety Council. “But we know that almost every accident is preventable.” By applying these simple prevention measures, accidental fires can be prevented.

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Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. oversees properties located in and around Calgary, Alberta. Services that Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. offers also includes landscaping, particularly properties in urban areas.

Landscaping and maintaining properties located in denser, urban areas can present unique challenges. These properties tend to have smaller outdoor spaces to work with, and certain approaches to landscaping are better suited to these areas. More traditional landscaping approaches, such as cultivating grassy lawns, might not always be the best choice in these areas due to parking, pedestrian traffic and water limitations.

Instead of a grassy lawn, a landscaper might consider a courtyard area paved with stones, decorative floral accents and a interesting rock grouping or sculptural element. Similarly, a wide paved path with beds on either side with innovative lighting solutions might be a good choice to improve not only on the properties appearance but also minimize safety concerns. Pebbles can make for good ground cover, and areas of potted flowers and ornamental shrubs can provide visual interest and pleasing texture in small outdoor spaces. These solutions also offer easier maintenance in addition to an attractive appearance.

Additionally, a landscaper should pay close attention to proportion in urban outdoor areas. For example, large trees can be too much and overwhelm a small area and a poor fit for the overall landscaping scheme and potentially create unsafe areas. Instead, look for designs that complement smaller areas rather than overpowering them. With water conversation becoming more important than ever, there are a variety of options on the market to improve water consumption and efficiency of irrigation systems. The importance of dryscaping or xeriscaping continues to grow in popularity with the reinterpretation of the ‘traditional lawn’, with a new one created using beautiful yet drought-tolerant planting material and variety of visual elements. Not only is this good for the environment and water conservation, it is in many cases more interesting than sod.

Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. promotes that the exterior of your property is very important as it is your prospective resident’s first formed opinion of whether or not they see this as their home and a peak into what they can expect from the inside.

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Emerald Management & Realty Ltd., provides property management and rental services for Calgary houses, apartments and properties in Alberta, Canada. Dedicated to working closely with property owners and fulfilling their obligations while monitoring renter expectations, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd., also encourages tenants to acquire tenants’ insurance. While landlord insurance policies may cover some expenses, tenants’ insurance remains important for a number of reasons. Currently, the Residential Tenancy Act in Alberta does not require that a tenant have insurance and while Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. can not guarantee what a tenant will or will not do, tenant insurance is still great peace of mind for tenants for some of the following reasons:

1. Protect personal belongings. Typically, landlord insurance coverages protects the property and landlord against structural damage and personal liability in the event an individual sustains an injury while on the property. However, these policies do not protect tenants’ personal possessions against theft or accidents such as fire or flooding.

2. Avoid replacement costs. Expenses for uninsured possessions that require replacement fall solely on the tenant. Even small and inexpensive items can add up depending upon the extent of the damage or possessions lost, especially if credit is owed on lost items. Since tenants’ insurance is relatively low-cost, it can save tenants a considerable amount on possession replacement costs.

3. Secure displacement protection. In the event that your unit or dwelling becomes uninhabitable due to fire or other extensive damages, landlords are not required to pay for expenses involved in finding temporary housing. Individuals with tenants’ insurance may have these expenses covered for them by the insurance provider, including moving costs.

The above are just a few examples of the benefits of tenant rental insurance. Again for peace of mind for the tenant – the cost is nominal and well worth serious consideration.

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The following tips cover preventative actions against a common problem – water leaks:

1. Inspect sink pipes and toilet water lines regularly.
Examine the pipes under kitchen and bathroom sinks for signs of deterioration and loose fittings. Kitchen sinks in particular often undergo heavy use due to cooking, washing dishes or hands, or making ice. In addition, slow-moving drains may indicate pipes require servicing. Toilet supply lines are another common water leak culprit and should be checked.

2. Watch for staining and soft spots in bathrooms.
Bathrooms are at higher risk for water leakage, particularly around showers and toilets. Staining or soft spots around walls and floors are primary signs of potential leakage that is hidden and taking place behind the walls or under the floors.

3. Check washing machine hoses regularly.
Look for signs of cracking, fraying, or leaking. Replace hoses every five years or sooner as-needed. Perform examinations at least once a year.

4. Pay attention to your water bills.
Review your water bills each month for unexplained spikes and increases in usage. If you cannot make a reasonable connection between the increased bill and your water usage that month, you may have a leak and should investigate further.

5. Periodically examine refrigerators and dishwashers.
Leaks from refrigerators and dishwashers are not always immediately noticeable and may go undetected for years. Periodically check under appliances for discoloration, and clean the area behind refrigerators at least once a year.

6. Create emergency guidelines.
Leaks cannot always be prevented, so it can help to establish guidelines on how to handle leaks ahead of time. Know where the shut of valves are for all areas of your home and have your emergency contact list for City services and preferred maintenance trades handy.

To address these types of situations and disasters for the properties under management, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. has extended office hours with service 7 days a week and emergency support 24 hours a day.

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Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. oversees properties in Calgary and surrounding areas in Alberta. In addition to working with property owners, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. assists with the leasing to assist prospective tenants to get them set up in a new rental situation.

One important part of getting an apartment is purchasing tenant’s insurance. While some people may be hesitant to purchase this type of insurance, thinking that they don’t need it or it won’t benefit them, there are several key reasons why this tenant’s insurance is important. For example, if a fire breaks out and destroys the tenant’s possessions, the tenant will not have financial help replacing those possessions if he or she does not have tenant’s insurance. This is because the landlord’s policy does not cover the tenant’s personal property.

Additionally, if a tenant accidentally damages the building, he or she may be held accountable for the amount of the repairs, whether those repairs are for the unit he or she lives in or for other areas of the building, such as neighboring apartments, that were affected. In addition, if other tenants have their property damaged due to such an event, the tenant who caused the event would be the one held personally responsible for replacing the damaged possessions. Therefore, for financial protection and to meet the obligations of their lease agreement, getting tenant’s insurance is a good idea and a small price for peace of mind.

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Based in Alberta, Canada, Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. is a property management company that aims to provide top-quality service to both property owners and residents. Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. manages residential units, including houses, apartments and condominiums, that are often considered small spaces. Residents who dwell in small spaces can follow decorating experts’ tips to make the most of their living environments.

In long, narrow living areas, experts recommend using small furniture to break the room up into separate seating areas. Mirrors positioned at each end of the room can help the space appear larger. Seeking out furniture that can serve more than one purpose also is beneficial in small spaces. Soft, light colors and minimal artwork can create a feeling of openness in a small home.

Decorating experts note that simplicity is a good principle to follow when decorating small spaces. A single, large statement piece in a small room can have a dramatic impact and create the illusion of a bigger room.

For more “small spaces” decorating tips have a look at the Pinterest Boards shared by Emerald Management & Realty Ltd.:

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